Ponds Near Our Causeway
Posted on May 6th, 2018

Last year about this time we, the Lake Committee,  noticed a bloom of spike-brush and algae in our ponds. The Lake Committee reached out to available expertise to see what our best course of action would be to eradicate the problem.  We had plant and water samples tested by the Clemson Extension. We spoke with the Director of Environmental Health science at USCB, tide water experts at the Clemson Extension and at least one professional wetlands management company.  The consensus of the research indicated our best course of action would be to flush our system more frequently.  We did as we were directed, and as you recall, the problem went away.  Unfortunately, the problem has returned, almost one year to the day.
Rather than very expensive chemical treatments, which would play havoc on our natural ecology, our weapon to fight the vegetation in the lakes is to take on as much water from the river system as possible. We do this by draining water from the lake just before high tides and then recapture as much "new" water as possible. We believe this process will be successful as it was last year. 
Our plan is to lower the lake again on or about May 9th, allowing the Lake to refill with the following hi tides.  Please know that we are keenly aware of this situation, and that we are doing all we know to do to resolve the issue.
Grounds and Lake Committee