Pleasant Point Board of Directors Update
Posted on Jan 19th, 2020
This is always an exciting and busy time with your Pleasant Point Plantation Board. On December 30th, we held our annual meeting at the Clubhouse, where you elected three new Board members. Please join me in welcoming Doug Massalon, Bill Mondoux, and Jamie Venise to your 2020 Board of Directors. We are excited to get the year started so much that we had our first planning meeting on January 8th but more on that in a bit.
At the December 30th meeting, we also voted on a covenant change relating to short term rentals. Proposed Amendment to the Covenant concerning the elimination of short-term rentals in Pleasant Point received 125 votes, 101 in Favor, and 24 Opposed. The vote passed with 80.80%.
At the Board planning meeting took care of four business items.
1. Elected the Board officers for 2020.
President: John Marsh
Vice President: Kevin Livingston
Treasurer: Lisa Devlin
Secretary: Tom Hinrichs
2. We appointed Board liaisons to our committees.
ARC: Lisa Devlin
Clubhouse: Kevin Livingston
Website/Communication: John Marsh
Grounds: Bill Mondoux
Pool/Courts/Fitness Center: Jamie Venise
Welcome: Doug Massalon
Covenant Enforcement: Tom Hinrichs
3. We also have set Board Meeting and Town Hall meetings scheduled for 2020.
Board Directors Meetings: (All meetings will be at 7:30 pm)
March 10
June 11
September 10
December 10
Town Hall Meetings: (All meetings will be at 7:30 pm)
February 13
May 7
July 9
October 8
4. We appointed new Architectural Review Committee members
Ann Amacher
Ken Knight
Dana Anthony
Mark Richardson
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